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CSA Program

Want a box full of the finest, freshest veggies the farm has to offer every week? Our CSA runs from May through September and is a great value for people who love cooking in season or want to try something new! Each week we package up a selection of our best produce, along with a couple of our favorite recipes, for you to pick up at a location convenient to you.This year, we also offer home delivery in Chapel Hill and Carrboro!  



This box is ideal for feeding one to two people, or a family that cooks at home a couple of times a week. It typically includes 6-8 varieties of produce.

Price: $400 ($20 per week)



This box feeds a family of 3-4, or anyone who loves to cook often with a lot of fresh vegetables! It is roughly double the size of the small box, with 8-10 varieties of produce.

Price: $700 ($35 per week)

Sample Small Box
Sample Large Box

Frequently Asked Questions:


  • When will the CSA begin and end?

We won't have an exact date until we've put seeds in the ground and have a better idea of when things will be ready to harvest, but our plan is to have the first box ready by the beginning of May and the last box around the end of September. There will be 20 boxes regardless of the exact start and end dates

  • Why do you ask for payment up front?

Upfront payment helps us plan our growing season and provide for our customers because it gives us the money for seeds, soil amendements, etc. and we know how many boxes we will have to fill each week. This helps us grow a more diverse selection of crops for our customers. If you want to subscribe but can't pay full price up front, please email us at and we can work out an incremental payment plan.

  • How do I pick up my box?

There will be two weekly pickup options. On Tuesdays, you can pick up your box at the Fearrington Farmers Market in Pittsboro from 4 to 6 pm. On Fridays, you can pick up your box in Carrboro at the corner of Cates Farm and Garden Gate Rd from 5 to 7 pm. You can also sign up for home delivery in Carrboro and Chapel Hill for $2 per week and have your box delivered on Saturday afternoon.

  • What if I go on vacation or won't be able to pick up every box?

If you have a neighbor or friend you think would enjoy one of our boxes, see if they want it! Otherwise, we will be providing 20 boxes over a 22 week period in order to have 2 "skip weeks." If you will be out of town, you can skip up to 2 boxes and get a makeup box at the end of the season. If you know you will be unable to receive a box for a substantial portion of the growing season, get in touch with us to talk about a pro-rated subscription.

  • How are your vegetables grown?

We care deeply about growing food that is good for people and the environment. Because we are on leased land, our produce is not USDA certified organic, but know that we grow all of our vegetables organically without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. 

  • What if I don't like/don't know how to cook with one of the box ingredients?

One of the great parts about CSA programs is that they introduce subscribers to new healthy ingredients that are fresh and in season. We always include recipes and suggestions on how to cook any ingredient that might be unfamiliar. That being said, if you know you hate a certain vegetable that will be in that week's box, send us an email and we will try to find a substitution for you.

  • I have more questions!

Great, we love answering questions and getting to know our customers! Please send us an email at


A Taste of 2015's CSA
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